Our founding partners Anita MOUSAEI and Stéphane BRIZON

Anita MOUSAEI – Partner manager

Anita MOUSAEI is a corporate lawyer. However, she is no stranger to the public sphere, since in parallel with her law studies, driven by the defense of the general interest, she has taken an interest in public causes. After a number of mandates within Universalité, first as President of a Syndicate and then as Vice-President of Universalité, she entered politics and held elected office.

These experiences have enabled her to develop not only her network, but also her appetite for negotiation and strategy consulting. After teaching at university, she set up her own firm with the aim of offering her clients a new way of supporting, assisting and representing them.

Within the company, Anita MOUSAEI has become a key player on whom the Managing Director can rely for day-to-day business as well as for the most complex and ambitious projects.

She is also an expert in diplomacy, transaction and lobbying techniques at the Tocqueville Académie.

Stéphane BRIZON – Partner manager

Stéphane BRIZON is a lawyer specializing in contract law, insurance law and risk management.

He has continued his family history by becoming part of the DNA of one of the largest Parisian firms specializing in risk and insurance.

The firm DAZET BRIZON, then BRIZON DAZET, has continued to develop and become a major player in this field, to the point where it has become a must.

It’s a fascinating job that demands the work of a goldsmith!

These are the words of this perfectionist who also draws inspiration and energy from top-level sport.

Our team


The firm comprises two lawyers of Counsel: Maître Olivier QUEFELEC and Maître Brahim DALIL, and a team of associates, assistants and trainees.


BRIZON & MOUSAEI has surrounded itself with :
– A team of lawyers in France and abroad.
– A network and synergy of notaries, judicial commissioners, insurance experts, chartered accountants, asset managers…


Que vous soyez basé en France ou à l’étranger. Que vous soyez entrepreneur individuel, structure à taille humaine, PME ou Grands Comptes.
Que vous décidiez de venir à nous ou nous faire venir à vous, nous sommes toujours disponible pour nous préoccuper de vous.

C’est pourquoi nombre important de chefs d’entreprises, d’institutionnels et personnalités publiques nous ont fait confiance,
pourquoi pas vous ?

Contact us

Brizon & Mousaei
Avocats à la Cour

87, Avenue Mozart
75016 Paris

+33 1 42 24 78 66

Avocats des chefs d’entreprise, de l’institutionnel, des particuliers ou encore des professions libérales, nous vous accompagnons.